Sunday, January 30, 2011

"The Appointment"

"Running from death is difficult". The story "The Appointment in Samarra" was told in weird and eerie tone, but this story had a great lesson. The lesson was "to not escape death cause it will always haunt you". In this story the servant was to meet death later on and instead death found the servant running away from her in the market.  On the other hand, the video "The Appointment", the lesson is exactly what the fortune teller says to the young man  "you can never escape your future".  In both cases, the future was death and they are trying to escape what destiny has chosen for them.  The story  and video strongly point out that our destiny is written out for us, but we just have to find out where destiny will take us next and not to run away from it.

1 comment:

  1. The story is definitely eerie--is the video as eerie or is the tone different?
